Such a shame that the media are spreading lies and misinformation about Ayahuasca lol.
John Free
JoinedPosts by John Free
May 1 2018 my Ayahuasca Experience
by new boy init has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
4 j dubs at jdubs at the door
by JunkYardDog in4 zombies at the door.
i come out with the nwt and ask who wants to talk about the bible.
if you don't want to talk about the bible why the fuck did you knock and counting time.
John Free
I don’t get angry with JWs even when they lie. This is because I was once them- indoctrinated to the core. When I came across angry people in the fs it simply reinforced my determination to service WT. I would like to think I was still a good person back then just simply misguided by a manipulative group. Also, they’re lying to themselves more than anything else and wasting their own lives. JWs are captives to a concept and should be pitied but most are still good people.
Certificate Of Destruction--by request!
by Atlantis inin your message, you wanted to know what the "certificate ofdestruction" used by the watchtower records department looks like.
(as soon as atlantis gets a copy i'll send it to you.
)please view this leaked video and go to 33 minutes of the video.
John Free
Yep ‘Satan is using the legal system against Jehovahs orgynization’ -dunno why he didn’t think of that years ago, he could have outlawed freedom of worship long ago. Daft old Satan! He ain’t the brightest..
Mother is terrified over talks of peace.
by Searching injust spoke with my mother about the summit for north and south korea, her face turned a ghastly pale and she refused to talk to me about it afterwards.
i know exactly what is on her mind, and i'm not sure if i can say or do anything to assuage her fears about this being a fulfillment of prophecy.
any suggestions on what i could perhaps tell her to try and steer her from her line of thinking?
John Free
Wars erupt around the world and the dubs be like - “this fulfills prophecy the end is imminent !!”
World gets some good news with a war ending, the dubs be like - “this fulfills prophecy the end is imminent!!”
World events will always fulfill Washtowel’s prophecies- Washtowel will make sure of that.
You Might Be in a Cult if...
by awake!watcher in... you are told to trust the slave as you do jehovah and jesus..
John Free
...if you demand freedom of worship in national courts yet deny that very freedom to your very own members, punishing anyone who wants to leave or dares change his or her beliefs.
Rejoice cos God's tent is.... Disintegrated by a cat 5 truth storm
by Normalfulla injust had to share... a former friend of my wife's, has just left our house, unbeknown to us, her and her husband have been inactive for about a year and a half, they have pre teen boys too.
she reached out to my wife as she had heard that we were apostates etc and needed someone to talk to.. .
after her father dying she was in a bad place mentally and emotionally and reached out to her cong for support, apon receiving 0 she turned to the bible for comfort only in her raw emotional state to realize that jehovah was a murderous unfair god and then her wheels of rational reasoning started turning.. she questioned things and was outspoken about things and attracted elder attention... long story short she wanted to connect with a friendly ear and she splurged she's never going back, the bible is all bulls**t and it's a cult, despite not knowing most of ttatt we all shared experiences and watched her eyes boggle at (stuckinarut... the first euphoric high) the un scandal, beth sarim, ray franz, 607, arc.
John Free
Greetings normalfulla !
delightful to hear that another family have been rescued from wasting their precious lives serving a manipulative control group. Again we hear the formula for escaping jwdom -critical thinking.
JW Persecution in Murmansk, Refugees hit Finland
by Slidin Fast inyou know, disagreeing and with and hating all the cultish beliefs and practices that mark out jwdom doesn;t make it ok to treat them like russia is doing.
this is one time i find myself defending these largely goodhearted but misled people.
if only the gb members and their squad had stayed around to face what they are expecting their followers to face..
John Free
I have mixed feelings. I also feel sorry for the witnesses suffering in Russia- after all weren’t we once just as hopelessly indoctrinated? Nevertheless, I also feel glad that jw growth in Russia will be severely hit and countless unsuspecting families will be protected from a toxic cult that through trickery and lies would otherwise have enslaved them.
My old congregation Auckland New Zealand
by karter inin 1991 we build a 250 seat hall and had 125 publishers so about 175 in attendance and filing fast.. just spoke to someone from my old congregation they now have 50 to 60 publishers and 100 in attendance on a good day.. very few pioneers.. seems this is happening everywhere.. karter..
John Free
I think when 30 years passes by local residents start to understand what its all about and dont show interest no longer
Hi Alex. This may be one factor with initial interest in the community wearing off. But there are other factors. For example growth in most developed lands has flatlined in the internet era, with the GB losing its grip on information control many drones have educated themselves on matters such as 607/587, WT’s adulterous UN affiliation etc and woken up to ttatt. Meanwhile in poorer, less educated lands washtowel is more successful.
Christ's sacrifice
by dogisgod inso, i am having lunch with a group of women with varying backgrounds.
i asked the circle how many believed in the story of adam and eve and the snake.
no one believed it literally.
John Free
I agree with you Cofty. I read your article and it’s funny because I always did notice the use of terms such as ‘imperfection’ and ‘Adam lost perfection’ were frequently printed in publications but aren’t used in the bible- which uses the word ‘sin’.
I’m sure I have heard Christians using Romans 5:12 though when explaining the ransom ...
Christ's sacrifice
by dogisgod inso, i am having lunch with a group of women with varying backgrounds.
i asked the circle how many believed in the story of adam and eve and the snake.
no one believed it literally.
John Free
I think the ransom sacrifice doctrine is central to most Christian denominations- though people in general are quite unversed in scripture. I always found the idea of God needing a ransom arrangement very hard to believe indeed. The idea of a ransom appeasing God originates in the primitive minds of humans- the practice still exists today in very remote, very uneducated regions that haven’t benefited from human progress. So what’s more likely? That the highest intellectual mind really needed this bizarre arrangement so that he could forgive born sinners? Or that the idea was adopted and evolved from human concepts of the past?
The garden of Eden and the talking snake is defo true though.